Part-Time Jobs
Whether it is on or off campus, a part-time job or work-study position can help reduce the financial burden of college, give you career exploration and
experience opportunities, and build your professional network.
On-Campus Jobs
On-Campus positions usually offer 12 to 20 hours of work per week. Positions vary from clerical, technical, food service or general labor positions.
Work-Study positions help students with financial needs, allowing them to earn money without impacting financial aid options. Most positions on campus
can be filled by work-study recipients. If you find a campus position and the department is unfamiliar with work-study, they should contact Office of
Scholarships and Financial Aid, which coordinates the work-study program at OSU.
Once you have been awarded Federal Work-Study (FWS), you will need to:
Accept the award through portal. For instruction on how to accept your award, click HERE.
Locate and apply for positions using the methods below.
If selected for an interview, be sure to take a copy of the most recent FWS award letter.
If you receive notification of a change in your FWS award, you must notify your
For more information about work-study, click HERE.
Not all departments post with us, we also recommend job searching through:
Campus billboards
Contacting departments directly.
Off-Campus Jobs
Many off-campus employers are just as willing to work with college students' schedules as on-campus departments and are able to offer more hours for
students needing additional income. Off-campus positions are more varied in their duties than on-campus positions, and may allow you
the chance to develop and enhance your skills in your chosen field.