OSU-Tulsa Career Fair - March 6, 2024
Hosted By OSU-Tulsa Career Services
Employer Registration closes on 3/1/2024 at 5 p.m.
OSU Tulsa Campus
Career Fair Agenda:
Check In: 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Fair: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Main Hall Commons, OSU-Tulsa
We are excited to welcome employers to campus for the Spring 2024 semester and look forward to providing a safe in-person recruiting experience.
The OSU-Tulsa Career Fair is open to all OSU-Tulsa students and alumni, representing a wide variety of majors and disciplines.
NOTE: Close to half the student population is composed of working professionals who are seasoned with experience. Attendees come seeking full-time experienced and entry-level opportunities, as well as internships and co-ops. This event takes place on the Tulsa campus - this event is NOT in Stillwater.
Registration Fees
1. Fees include: Parking, lunch, door prizes, advertising, and booth space.
2. Invoice and payment instructions will be emailed within three business days of registration.
Early Fee Ends 2/16/24 |
Standard Fee Begins 2/16/24 |
Standard Organization
NOTE: An additional $100 discount will be applied for those companies who also attend any Spring OSU Career Fair in Stillwater, OK.
$250 |
$300 |
Government, Education, Charitable Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
$100 |
$150 |
OSU Department Standby Status
OSU Departments that would like to attend can be placed on a standby list for no fee. Space will be distributed in the order that registrations were received. Standbys will find out if they have a table by noon on 3/1/24.
$0 |
$0 |
Questions? Contact OSU-Tulsa Career Services:
tulsa.careerservices@okstate.edu or 918-594-8404.