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Picture of students Part-Time Jobs
Part-time employees can be a great way to provide additional support for your department or business, as well as providing students with experience, money for school, and opportunities to build their professional network.

Work-Study students are eligible to fill most OSU part-time position and numerous off-campus positions with non-profits and government agencies. Employing a work-study eligible student can save departments funding as the work-study program provides 70% of the student's salary with the department/agency paying the other 30%. For more information about work-study, click here.

Graduate Assistants
Graduate assistants serve in a variety of support roles, while working on their graduate degrees. Responsibilities often include serving as a teaching or research assistant. Other responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, peer advising or other support capacities.

Specifics of an internship may vary, but all internships should involve "intentional learning" with specific goals and objectives that support the student's academic and career interests. Students may pursue academic credit for an internship, whether paid or unpaid, depending on their department.

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