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OSU Post Graduation Outcomes - FY2018

This survey is focused on gathering information regarding students’ first destination following graduation. Students are surveyed shortly prior to each graduation term and are followed up for six months after graduation to obtain and/or update their first destination outcomes. This annual study provides a snapshot of graduates’ career outcomes and serves as a resource for current students, alumni, prospective students, employers, and OSU administrators.

This initiative is a collaborative effort between the academic colleges and OSU Career Services following the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) First Destination Standards and Protocols.

Students are surveyed with a clear message that all information they shared will remain confidential. Our primary source of data collection is through the academic college in a student’s final semester and then via email beginning a few weeks prior to graduation. Students are reminded to complete their graduation survey within six months after graduation. Other than email, OSU Career Services also participates in the Grad Fair and Grad Finale to connect with graduating students and collect data. Each respective academic colleges and OSU Career Services can choose to either continue surveying students via email or through LinkedIn profile reviews during the collection period.

After the six-months collection period, data is compiled into aggregate form to maintain confidentiality. Outcomes of the data are organized into categories such as:
OSU Career Services publishes the outcomes of salary information, continuing education information, and employment information in aggregated format in cases where there are more than 3 respondents, so information is not identifiable or traceable back to the student.

Graduates 4,237
Responses 3,050
Knowledge Rate 72%
Employment Rate 80%
Full-Time 75%
Part-Time  3%
Volunteer Services  1%
Military Services  1%
Still Seeking 20%
Continuing/Seeking Education 20%

  1. Employment Rate includes full-time employed, part-time employed, volunteer service, and military service (FT+PT+VS+MS)/(FT+PT+VS+MS+SS)
  2. Due to the nature that graduates could continue education while employed, we have separated the status question into two categories (i.e. employment status and continuing education status). Calculation for Continuing/Seeking Education is (Continuing Education + Seeking Education)/responses
  3. Percentages are rounded to the nearest percentage point

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